斗锣(Dou Luo)


Gong is basically made of the same material as other gongs, but its shape is completely different from other gongs. It is unique in that the edge of gong is wide, and both the surface and edge of gong can be played. Generally, the tone of gong is set in the f1, and its striking point is not in the center of the gong surface, but one third of the diameter below the gong surface, which is also one of its characteristics.

潮州大锣鼓Chaozhou Daluogu

潮州大锣鼓(Chaozhou Daluogu




Chaozhou gongs and drums are popular percussion music in Chaozhou and Shantou areas of Guangdong Province.It evolved from the music played during the past folk cultural custom " religious procession " ( Invite the idol out of the temple to patrol the community).

There were few musical instruments of religious procession in early Chaozhou, and the playing method was simple. Generally, it was pure percussion music played by four gongs and two cymbals.After that, joining the suona and other wind instruments. From the second half of the 19th century, Chao Yin Zheng Zispoken parts(of a Chinese opera) with local accent  was adopted, and strings and percussion instruments were added.

Chaozhou drum has many wind and percussion instruments, and the rhythm of gongs and drums is also rich and varied.

特色乐器介绍  Special Instruments Introduction

潮州大鼓(Chao Zhou Drum)

鼓体形状上大下小;它的最佳选材是上等杉木头木质制作,因杉木接近根部的木质纤维软硬度适中,韧性好,既能承受鼓皮的极强拉力,又使鼓的音色柔润,能在较大程度上起到避免僵硬的鼓皮回弹的作用。鼓皮是用刚剥下的新鲜牛皮制作的,由于做这种鼓需要的牛皮要有一定的厚度,做成的鼓才能发出较丰满的、具有个体独特的音色,故所用牛皮具有的拉力强度极强。鼓的音高要求也必须达到f 1 g1 ,如此,使 20英寸大的鼓面张力须达到相当强的紧张度。加上鼓体上大下小,发音反应较快,敲击出来的声音清晰悦耳、颗粒性较好,能适应演奏热烈欢快的乐曲,也能适应演奏柔和抒情的音乐,刚柔相济,音乐表现力极强

The shape of the drum is big at the top and small at the bottom; Its best material is made of top-grade Chinese fir wood. Because the wood fiber near the root of Chinese fir has moderate hardness and good toughness, it can not only bear the strong tension of the drum head, but also make the timbre of the drum soft and smooth, which can play a role in avoiding the rebound of stiff drum skin to a large extent. The drum head is made of freshly peeled cowhide. Because the cowhide needed to make this kind of drum needs a certain thickness, the drum made of it can give out a fuller and unique timbre, so the used cowhide has a very strong tensile strength. The pitch requirement of the drum must also reach f1 or g1, so that the tension of the 20-inch drum head must reach quite strong tension. In addition, the upper part of the drum body is mostly lower than the lower part, so that the pronunciation response is faster, and the tapped sound is clear and pleasant, with good graininess. It can adapt to playing warm and cheerful music, as well as soft and lyrical music. It combines hardness with softness, and has strong musical expression.

苏锣(Su Luo)

苏锣的锣面直径更大,扩散性也更强,演奏的声音更加宽广。但它演奏的节奏点较模糊,不够清晰,一般较少单独演奏,是一种气氛衬托演奏乐器。苏锣的音高定音一般在小字组的c音上,它也有两个敲击落点,能起着音色对比的作用,一般常在锣正面的左方三分之一处, 而另一个敲击点则在锣正面上方的四分之一处,这个敲击点演奏的音色清新、柔美。

Su Gong is larger in diameter, more diffuse and plays with a wider sound. However, its rhythm is vague and unclear, and it is seldom played alone, so it is a kind of musical instrument with atmosphere as a foil. Su Gong's pitch is generally set on the C tone of the small print group. It also has two striking points, which can play a role in tone contrast. Generally, it is usually located at the left third of the front of the gong, while the other striking point is located at the quarter above the front of the gong. This striking point plays a fresh and soft tone.

深波(Shen Bo)


Boluo is a percussion instrument unique to Chaozhou Dagong and Drum. Its biggest characteristics are low pitch and thick sound, soft, loose and full timbre, extremely long overtone value and strong penetrating power. It is the bass instrument of all percussion instruments of Chaozhou Dagong and Drum, and its sound effect is equivalent to the double bass in the western orchestra. Its pitch is also set at the g tone, and the gong mallet used for playing is also different. Generally, a big solid cloth ball is clamped with white rattan to hit the center of the gong surface, and the playing method must be right-handed and left-handed at the center of the opposite side of the gong to control the overtone value of the note. Another tapping point of the deep gong is also at the gong edge. Because its gong edge is wider and thicker than that of the bucket gong, it has high penetrating power. The timbre of tapping the gong edge is close to that of the bell, bright and crisp. Shenbo is one of the most representative instruments of Chaozhou's big gongs and drums.

亢锣Kang Luo

潮州大锣鼓乐器中的亢锣的形状与小京锣相同,但音色却截然不同,它的定音通常是小字一组的e 音。它既可单独演奏,也可与苏锣合奏的,给苏锣的演奏起着音符颗粒性的补充和装饰作用,增强苏锣演奏的节奏点感觉。亢锣的音色高尖、清脆,发音灵敏,能演奏音符较密集、节奏型较复杂的乐句或鼓点,是大锣鼓形式作品中小锣镲乐句或鼓点演奏组合的主力乐器。

The Kang Luo in Chaozhou gongs and drums has the same shape as Xiaojing Luo, but its timbre is completely different. Its tone setting is usually the e1 sound. It can be played alone or in concert with Su Luo, which plays a role in supplementing and decorating the notes of Su Luo's performance, and enhances its sense of rhythm. Kang Luo has a sharp tone, crisp sound, sensitive pronunciation, and can play phrases or drums with dense notes and complex rhythms. It is the main instrument of the combination of small gong cymbals or drums in the works of big gongs and drums.



Also playing the role of setting off and beautifying the melody is the "peng-ling". The shape and timbre of this instrument are the same as those of the national band, but it is different from the touch bell in that it is played with a single bell and struck with a small iron bar. In the performance of Chaozhou gongs and drums, it also plays a role in assisting the palm board.

潮州镲类(Chaozhou cymbals)

潮州大锣鼓所使用的镲类乐器也与其它民族民间乐种的锣鼓乐镲类不同,它与京镲相比,潮州大锣鼓的大、小镲中心的镲碗均较小,镲片厚度更薄,它的震动频率密,扩散性极强,演奏效果接近民族管弦乐队中的吊钗,但它与吊镲不同的是双片拍击,接触面大,镲片的撞击声大,节奏鲜明, 具有较强的可塑性,能适应描写多种乐曲和鼓点情绪的音乐形象。潮州镲的音高定音一般是小字一组的g音,便于与其它各种锣类乐器的音高组合。

The cymbals used in Chaozhou gongs and drums are also different from those used in other ethnic folk music. Compared with Jing cymbals, the cymbals in Chaozhou gongs and drums and the cymbals in the center of small cymbals are all smaller, and the cymbals are thinner. Its vibration frequency is dense, its diffusion is extremely strong, and its performance effect is close to that of the hanging hairpin in the national orchestra, but it is similar to that of the hanging cymbals. Generally, the pitch of Chaozhou cymbals is set by G in small characters, which is convenient to combine with the pitches of other gong instruments.


 参考资料 bibliography

1.中国音乐(季刊)2013年第2期 CHINESE MUSIC 《潮州大锣鼓的乐器特色及应用》 作者:黄唯奇

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