打溜子(Da Liuzi)

打溜子是土家族地区流传最广的一种古老的民间器乐合奏。是土家族逢年过节、婚娶祝寿、丰收迁居等喜庆节日活动中经常演奏的民间器 乐合奏形式。它历史悠久,曲牌繁多,技艺精湛,表现力丰富,是土家族独有的艺术形式。由溜子锣、头钹、二钹、马锣组成的打溜子乐队,能将各类乐器的技巧融于一体,并充分发挥每件乐器的演奏技艺。一般多由3至4人合奏演出,故有“三人溜子”、“四人溜子”之分。“五人溜子”是后引进汉族吹管乐器唢呐而成,将吹打结合,更能增添喜庆、欢乐的气氛。


Daliuzi is an ancient folk instrumental ensemble which is widely spread in Tujia area. It is a folk instrumental ensemble form that Tujia people often play in festive activities such as festivals, weddings, birthdays, bumper harvests and relocation. It has a long history, numerous tunes, exquisite skills and rich expressive force. It is a unique artistic form of Tujia. A band composed of Liuzi Luo, Tou cymbals, Er cymbals and Ma Luo can integrate the skills of various musical instruments and give full play to the performance skills of each instrument. Generally, it is performed by 3 to 4 people in an ensemble, so it can be divided into "three-person Liuzi " and "four-person Liuzi ". "Five-person Liuzi" is the result of the introduction of the Han wind instrument Suona, which combines wind and percussion to add a festive and joyful atmosphere.

In November 2019, the List of National Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Projects Protection Units was published, and Hefeng County Cultural Center (Hefeng County Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center), Wufeng Tujia Autonomous County Cultural Center and Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center were qualified as Tujia Daliuzi Project Protection Units.

特色乐器介绍  Special Instruments Introduction
1、溜子锣(Liu Ziluo)

4、马锣(Ma Luo



Made of copper, the shape is like a disk, the gong surface is flat, the gong wall is thick, and the gong body is optically active. The diameter of the gong face is 12cm to 18cm, and the width of the gong edge is 2cm to 3cm. Drill a rope on one side of the gong. It is made of gong pestle sticks, 15cm long, with a big head and a small tail, and the pestle head is not covered with silk.

When playing, the left hand holds the gong rope, the right hand holds the gong pestle for percussion, or the left hand holds the gong face flat, and the right hand holds the pestle for percussion on the back of the gong, with crisp pronunciation and high-pitched and sharp timbre. When playing, you should play by masking the sound, that let the sound stop immediately after hitting. Gong is a high-pitched instrument in ensemble, and plays a leading and commanding role.



Made of copper, the shape is like a disk, the gong surface is flat, the gong wall is thick, and the gong body is not polished, leaving hammer forging marks. The diameter of the gong surface is about 33 cm, the width of the gong edge is 3.5 cm to 4 cm, and the rope is drilled on one side of the gong edge. It is made of gong pestle sticks, 20cm long, with a big head and a small tail, and the pestle head is not covered with silk.

When playing, the left hand holds the gong rope, and the right hand holds the gong pestle and hits the center of the gong surface. The pronunciation is loud and the timbre is round. There are many ways to play. It is a bass instrument in instrumental ensemble. It is often used to play the key beat of music, paragraph and ending, and it is often played with Ma Luo.

3、二钹(Er Bo

2、头钹(Tou Bo

铜制,钹面比头钹更宽而厚,钹面直径30厘米、碗径15厘米、碗高5厘米, 碗顶钻孔系以绸布。


Made of copper, the cymbal surface is wider and thicker than the first cymbal. The diameter of the cymbal surface is 30cm, the diameter of the bowl is 15cm, and the height of the bowl is 5cm. The top of the bowl is drilled with silk cloth.

When playing, both hands hold one side and strike each other to pronounce. The timbre is thick and low. The second cymbal is a bass instrument in instrumental ensembles, with many playing methods, difficult playing skills and unique artistic style, and it is mostly played in weak beat. It is often interlaced with the cymbals in rhythm, resulting in changeable rhythm and rich sound.

响铜制成,钹面较宽而厚,面径20厘米~25厘米、碗径10厘米~12.5 厘米,碗高3厘米~4厘米,碗顶钻孔系以绸布。





Made of copper, the cymbal surface is wide and thick, with a surface diameter of 20cm-25cm, a bowl diameter of 10cm-12.5cm, and a bowl height of 3cm-4cm. The top of the bowl is drilled with silk cloth.

When playing, each hand holds a cymbal and strikes each other to pronounce. The sound is crisp and bright. There are many kinds of playing methods, such as stuffy playing, bright playing and side playing:

Closed timbre:When playing, two palms are close to the cymbals, and one side edge of the back end of the two cymbals is not separated, which is convenient for playing fast music segments;

Open timbre: Relax your palms, and separate the two cymbals after hitting, so that the sound will continue naturally and the timbre will be loud, which is often in strong contrast with muffled beating;

Side stroke, standing upright with the cymbal of one cymbal, hitting the center of another cymbal, with short pronunciation. Tou Bo are high-pitched instruments in instrumental ensembles, which are mostly played with strong percussion. It is often interlaced with the cymbals in rhythm, with endless changes.

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